Lantmännen and NY VRAA sign license agreement for modern willow varieties
Ny Vraa has been a trusted willow supplier and have been working with willow for some 35 years. In 2012 we decided to focus completely on willow and today we produce willow on 500 hectares. NY VRAA is also the leading partner in Denmark and abroad, supplying consultancy in relation to variety material, planting, harvesting and sale plus own developed machinery.
Inquiries regarding redistribution and purchase of plant material contact NY VRAA at the link below.
NY VRAA is the new licensee and with Lantmännen we will develop the crop by introducing new excellent varieties to the market.
Lantmännen is one of very few breeding companies in the world with willow in the portfolio. The breeding is long-term and prime breeding targets is high biomass yield, together with climate adaptation, and resilience. The energy crisis and search for plantbased alternatives in different processes have increased the interest from both traditional and new markets.

We grow +500 ha. willow on our own farms. Throughout the years we have planted more than 4000 ha. for farmers and companies and manage the largest production of cuttings in Europe. We deliver to all EU countries from our own cold store facilities.
Energy willow is unique as an energy crop. It offers high growth, excellent environmental benefits, and, most importantly, is an economically attractive crop for you as a farmer.
The environmental benefits of energy willow are especially important in relation to the demands placed on modern agriculture today. Agriculture must reduce its pesticide use, decrease nutrient runoff, and help secure future drinking water supplies. By cultivating energy forests on agricultural land, you have the opportunity to continue growing a crop that provides flexibility at the farm level, especially as there is increasing focus on the environment and the new demands that come with it.
If there are compliance issues at the farm level, energy forests can be introduced into crop rotation to reduce the farm’s environmental impact. Additionally, energy forests can be strategically planted in many areas where nutrient runoff affects sensitive ecosystems. This can open up the possibility for conventional farming to continue on adjacent land.
We offer a total concept from cuttings, planting, harvest and work as consultants.
- High growth with good yield
- Economically attractive
- Reduction in pesticide use
- Eligible for hectare subsidies
- Attractive environmental benefits
- Reduces your environmental impact
- Absorbs excessive nutrients
NY VRAA can supply the following varieties of willow
Inger - EU11635:
The highest yielding variety in mild – warm climate with normal water supply.
Tordis - EU9288:
Very high yield in north – central Europe and free from leaf rust.
Tora - EU0627:
For north – central Europe. The yield is among the highest of all varieties. Almost free from leaf rust and attacks by gall midges and other insects. Less preferred by game.
Klara - EU21757:
One of the highest yielding varieties in a cold climate. Very frost tolerant.
Karin - EU15235:
Medium yield and almost free from leaf rust.

- Willow store up to 14 ton carbon/ha./year.
- 1 ha. willow = app. 20-30 ton fresh weight per year.
- 1 ha. willow = app. 4-5000 L oil.
- 1 ha. willow returns the energy 20 - 30 times compared the input.
- Willow reduce or remove the consumption of pesticides and ideal for organic farming.
- Willow grows up to 4 meter/year. Up to 7 cm. per day in July, August and September.
- Willow can consume up to 5 mm. water per day also sewage.
- Per m2 planted with willow = 10 m2 leaf area.
- 1 liter oil = 2,5 kg. dry chips = 4,5 kg. wet chips with 50% humidity.
- Willow is a normal farming crop according to the CAP reform.
- Use willow to protect the aquatic environment from eg. nutrients.

Throughout the years we have planted more than 4000 ha. for farmers and companies and manage the largest production of cuttings in Europe. We deliver to all EU countries from our own cold store facilities.
Energy willow is ideal for those looking for a unique energy crop. It offers high growth, excellent environmental benefits, and is an economically attractive crop.
If you would like more information about plantning and pricing, please contact us at tel. +45 9696 6200 or click on the button below.
We offer services regarding harvesting of energy willow and also offers to purchase the willow chips directly from the field. If you would like more information about harvesting and pricing, please contact us at tel. +45 9696 6200.
We operate with John Deere forage harvesters, which allows us to trim larger and thicker willow branches.